Veterinary Science Summer School
This lab-based course is designed for students who want to learn about the world of veterinary science. Our course is a great chance for students to get hands-on, experiential and immersive summer learning.
This program will allow for a deep exploration into veterinary science. We will learn about the anatomy of large and small animals, and we will also discuss and explore the concepts that correspond to the latest trends in technology and medicine.

One of the animals at the farm we visited last summer at our veterinary science summer school!
We will learn about the anatomy of both large animals (like horses and cows) to small animals (like dogs and cats). We will learn and study about disease, disease vectors, diagnosis and cures. This will be accomplished both through classic text study, computer and internet research, and of course through lab-based dissection.
Class is held in a standard science lab on campus. In the lab, we will conduct detailed dissections of animal brains, eyes, and other organs, and study larger physical systems in detail. (Students who do not wish to participate in dissection may elect to opt out of this activity.) Our veterinary science summer school is one of our most popular courses year after year. Join us!
DEGREE PROGRAMS OFFERED @ GMC: Animal Conservation and Care, Biology, Natural Resources Management, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production and a Minor in Animal Studies.