
VSA Pre-College Summer Program

2018 Dates:

Session 1: Sunday July 8 – Saturday July 21

Session 2: Sunday July 22  – Saturday August 4

To enroll click HERE

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Sample Schedule

Monday through Friday:

8:00 Breakfast
8:45-9:00 Morning Meeting
9:15-11:45 Class (with breaks)
Noon-1:00 Lunch
1:15-4:00 Class (with breaks)
4:15-5:00 Check in with RAs and Free Time / Sports / Campus Exploration
5:00-6:00 Dinner
6:15-8:30 Planned Events and Seminars
8:30-11:00 Free Time Activities
11:15 In Rooms

Class time and weekdays also include on- and off-campus field trips and special academic events depending on your Pre-College Summer program course selection and availability.

Friday night: is an end-of-session dance and farewell party.

VSA pre-college summer camps

VSA pre-college summer program


SUPER SATURDAY: Our Super Saturday trips are designed to have students have a day of sight-seeing, shopping and visiting touristy destinations. This year we plan to explore the Green Mountain state.  From Burlington and Lake Champlain to the trails of the Appalachian Trail, waterfalls and rivers, shopping and outlet malls, this will be a lot of fun for our international and American students alike!

OPENING SUNDAYS: Check-in for all Pre-College Summer Programs students is 1 – 3pm. After orientation, a campus tour, individual class meetings with teachers, and social events, we have our first meal on campus. Then, the evening is rounded-out with activities in the residence halls, designed to let the students get to know one another and our fantastic campus.

SLEEPY SUNDAY: After a full week of intensive classes, interesting workshops and seminars, and a huge trip to a major metropolitan destination, our students will need a day of rest. That’s why we have Sleepy Sunday! Students will get their first chance to sleep in during the program, have a nice brunch, then do easy-going activities in the afternoon. Sunday night will feature a pizza party, movies, and a chance to recharge for the coming week.

CLOSING CEREMONY, SATURDAY: Each session ends on a Saturday morning we have a closing ceremony, where the students present their work and discuss their experience. This ceremony is from 9:30am to 11am and is open to all students and their families.